December 24 2014, 5.53 pm
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My Blog List I
Manisnya puasa4 days ago
Zaman TT3 weeks ago
Dilan 19832 months ago
Salam 1 Ramadhan4 years ago
sesekali menjenguk blog6 years ago
Dua hari sebelum menginjak 63 tahun8 years ago
Berpindah8 years ago
Update MASRECA 199 years ago
Bercuti ke Guilin, China (Silver Cave)9 years ago
Part 49 years ago
Pesanan Tuhan kepada pembawa fitnah9 years ago
Laa Tahzan :')9 years ago
Lelong Sampul Duit Raya JDT murah9 years ago
Mitsaqan Ghalizah9 years ago
Wordless Wednesday10 years ago
memandang ke langit yang luas11 years ago
:: it's our 7months ::11 years ago
Benarkah Ku Merinduimu?12 years ago
Jom Follow-Mollow??12 years ago
mandi12 years ago
I'm Backk....12 years ago
Insulation Resistance Test12 years ago
-Bila Nikmat Tidak Kita Syukuri-12 years ago
kembali13 years ago
Mula atau Duka~13 years ago
ok! harini aku sgt rajin..13 years ago
ALEESYIA13 years ago
December 14 2014, 6.40 pm
I've finished Tomb Raider 2013 for PlayStation 3 today. It is a truly a great videogame. It tells the story of Lara Croft, the young archaeologist on her journey to become a survivor.
The story revolves around her decision to explore a certain part of of the Pacific ocean using a new route, which leads the whole exploration team to be stranded on an island. And her decision leads to the death of lots of people, and she feels so guilty to everyone. As she tried to protect and save all of the survivors, collecting relics and documents, using bow and shotgun, she becomes who she's meant to be - a tomb raider.
I spend the whole week to explore most part of the island. Looting from enemies, animals and plant to get experience and buy the skills .Getting salvages and upgrade the gears. I think the best part of the whole game is in the last stage of the game, where she tried to save Samantha.There's a lot of Solarii army and also the Stormguards that protects Queen Himiko. (And there's lots of bloody scene, which is why this game is not suitable for children)
There are three types of Survival Skills available -Survivor, Hunter and Brawler. Survivor helps Lara to survive and getting more experiences, tracking items on the map, getting more salvages, etc. Hunter is suitable for those who loves to make killer headshot and long range battle, while brawler is for short range attack.
The best weapon in the game is the final bow, which is the Competiton Bow. It can penetrate many solid surfaces, and suitable for one-arrow killer headshot. Plus, we can combine it with Napalm Arrows or Explosive Arrows.(Her signature weapon, the two pistols/handguns are only available at the end of the game, but we can't use them throughout the story mode after we finished the game.)
There'll be the sequel for this game next year, with title of 'Rise of the Tomb Raider'.
I'm thinking of three videogames I wanna play in the future - Arkham Origin, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and also Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark for PS3. And also Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire for Nintendo 3DS (but I don't have Nintendo 3DS. Huhu.)
That's all for now. Thank you for reading.
Oh, minggu depan cuti seminggu! Woohoo! Seminggu la bertapa depan tv tu nanti. Eheh.
~Natural Cure~
December 18 2014, 4.48 pm
I've started playing Tomb Raider 2013 for PS3 last week, but i haven't finish it yet. The latest gear that I got this morning is the grenade launcher. installed to the rifle. But my favorite weapon is the bow (because it is silent and can be charged before release the arrow), followed by the shotgun (I use it for short range attack, instead of the climb axe that Roth gave to Lara Croft). And yes, this is the main reason why I didn't blog last week. Eheh.
Anyway, hari ni Selangor cuti. Engineer muda sorang ni pun main Tomb Raider dari pagi. Tapi tengah hari kitorang satu family keluar tengok wayang. And we decided to watch Big Hero 6. Jujur saya cakap, saya memang tak tau cerita ni pasal apa. Beli tiket pun atas dasar nak cepat-cepat masuk pawagam dan keluar awal. So cerita tu je la yang ada before 1 pm. Best gila kot cerita ni!
Bagi saya, cerita ni sedikit sebanyak membuka minda penonton tentang kemajuan teknologi pada masa depan. Dan cerita ni jugak menekankan kepentingan kreativiti dan sumbangan idea-idea gila daripada inventor/engineer/scientist kepada dunia.
Baymax is quite cute. Hoho. Saya boleh ketawa sekuat-kuatnya kat pawagam masa Hiro dengan Baymax lari dari villain yang pakai kabuki mask tu. Waktu Hiro 'sumbat' Baymax kat dinding dalam warehouse tu. Tapi waktu Baymax dapat kostum kedua dia, he lokks so cool! Idea microbot yang boleh pecah dan bercantum balik tu ala-ala transformium dalam Transformers: Age of Extinction, Benda ni macam nanobot la jugak. Nama bandar cerita ni San Fransokyo, gabungan nama San Francisco dan Tokyo. Nama watak-wataknya pun ada mix American dengan Japanese. Maksudnya ada percampuran budaya la antara barat dengan timur. Tapi klimaks cerita ni memang sedih la jugak. Sebab Baymax terpaksa korbankan diri dia untuk selamatkan Hiro. Hiro pulak waktu tu dah mula sayangkan Baymax.
I suggest that semua engineer dan juga student untuk elektrik/elektronik/mekatronik/mekanikal tengok cerita ni. Banyak benda korang boleh belajar dari filem ni.
That's all for today. See you again, insyaAllah.
~Natural Cure~
November 30 2014, 8.59 pm
Hari ni genap setahun tinggalkan rumah lama dan mula tinggal kat rumah baru.
Actually, hidup kat area pekan ni rasanya lagi best daripada duduk kat kampung sana.
Nak masuk highway pun cuma berapa kilometer je dari rumah.
Nak tengok wayang pun 5 minit je tempoh perjalanan.
Bas awam pun ada lalu setiap 15 minit.
Tempat shopping pun dekat.
Stesen bas pun lagi dekat.
Senang citer memang best la hidup kat sini.
Tapi kadang-kadang rindu la jugak kat Kampung Delek sana.
Kat sana boleh dengar bunyi komuter lalu. (Stesen Kampung Raja Uda)
Boleh jugak dengar bunyi kapal bunyikan hon dia (sebab kampung saya dekat dengan pelabuhan.)
Sebulan sekali, saya akan balik sana untuk ambik duit sewa rumah naik bas awam.
Boleh nampak setiap jalan yang saya pernah lalu zaman sekolah dulu.
Dah dekat 7 tahun sejak tamat paper Biology Paper 3 waktu SPM dulu.
My friends and I dah janji nak stay in contact even after zaman sekolah tu dah habis.
Sebuah janji yang termeterai di luar pagar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Telok Gadong.
Tapi apa yang berlaku hari ni, semua orang pun dah ada haluan sendiri.
Apa yang dah jadi kat diorang, saya tak pernah ambik tahu.
Anyway, hari ni jugak kami sekeluarga ke Alor Gajah Melaka.
Kali terakhir saya ke selatan, saya rasa tahun 2013.
Waktu konvo UTM yang ke-51.
Dah setahun jugak la tak lalu Negeri Sembilan dengan Melaka.
I think Melaka ni negeri yang orang suka buat rumah atas bukit kot. Haha.
Tapi tak sempat merasa asam pedas diorang.
Singgah tepi jalan tadi pun beli tudung saji rotang, dodol dan asam. Lepas tu balik rumah.
Tak berjalan sangat pun. Tapi kira ok la sebab dapat bercuti sekejap naklepaskan stress kerja.
I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading.
November 23 2014, 9.32 pm
So I'm officially 24 today.
And my mum said 'dah matang'.
And we ate the mango cake that my elder brother bought.
And also the preserved mango (jeruk mangga) that my little brother made kat tempat kerja dia..
Memang hari mangga sedunia la hari ni.
Kalau takde aral melintang, kalau takde angin lintang,
kalau takde belalai air mahupun belalai darat,
insyaAllah lagi 5 tahun.
Ada rezeki, mungkin dicepatkan lagi.
Doakan ye.
Cerita untuk minggu ni:
Tempat kerja dah dapat greenlight untuk ISO. Woohoo!! Tapi certificate tu akan ada selepas 6 minggu la macam tu.
So, congratulations to the four engineers (including me), kakak production coordinator kitorang yang sama-sama kerja sampai 9 malam last week, dua orang senior dari plant lama yang banyak bantu kami, dan juga our production manager yang sanggup tolong salin balik data-data bulan Ogos tahun ni. Kalau takde diorang ni, memang kitorang semua takkan menang tangan untuk settlekan documentation for ISO ni.
Minggu ni jugak menyaksikan drama air mata dan panas baran kami semua.
Bayangkan, kitorang dah kerja hari-hari sampai 9 malam (Isnin-Sabtu), dengan masalah kenderaan masing-masing yang meragam, tinggalkan anak-anak dan suami kat rumah (tapi saya takde anak dan suami la), dengan harapan kami dapat selamatkan syarikat kami. Big boss juga ada cakap "you orang kena kerja Ahad ni. Boleh ambik cuti (replacement) hari lain".
Dan bila kerja dah siap, tiba-tiba bos cakap (sebenarnya, orang atas dia yang cakap.) "Kamu tak dapat cuti sebab kamu takde overtime". (Kerja executive memang tak boleh claim elaun untuk overtime.)
Dalam bahasa mudahnya, ayat tu sama dengan: "Kamu buat semua ni ikhlas semata-mata. Tak boleh mintaak cuti atau pun claim duit, sebab ISO documentation ni is just for special occasion only."
Korang panas tak dengar statement ni?
Depan saya dan 2 orang senior saya, kakak coordinator kami menangis.
Kami korbankan banyak masa dan tenaga nak menulis dan menapis data-data tu. Alih-alih kami tak dapat apa-apa.
Jujur saya cakap, memang saya dah pasang niat nak sabotaj tempat kerja tu. Biar bagi tempat huru-hara dan tunjuk kat auditor yang tempat tu bukannya utopia yang perfect segala benda. Kitorang yang tolong diorang, lepas tu diorang boleh pulak cuci tangan. Kami bukannya claim duit pun. Kami nak masa rehat kami je.
Malam tu, akak tu hantar mesejkat saya.Katanya hal cuti tu dah boleh claim. Ini pun atas jasa manager kami yang jenis berdiplomasi dengan admin. He's the real hero in this story. (Yang kelakarnya, orang atas dia pun tak boleh fight for us.)
I hate to say this, but racism tu sebenarnya wujud dan masih menebal kat Malaysia. It's the truth yang semua orang kena terima kat Malaysia.
Saya pun tarik waktu cuti saya ke hujung bulan depan. Nak rehat puas-puas time Krismas nanti (kalau diluluskan la)
Next week (starting tomorrow) buat kerja-kerja engineering yang tertangguh 2 minggu lamanya.
Oh, next week is 30th of November. Which means next week akan genap setahun pindah rumah baru.
Dan hari ni jugak dah genap setahun saya 'lenyap' dari Facebook. So, saya antara living proof yang manusia ni boleh hidup tanpa Facebook. There are good things about FB, tapi ada jugak yang sisi gelapnya. Macam hari ni keluar kat berita, tiang railway for MRT yang katanya senget la, merekah la, apa la, semua tu disebarkan oleh engineer cap Facebook dan Whatssapp. Yang hakikatnya kita pun tahu diorang ni taklah sebijak mana pun. Rjin sebarkan rumours tanpa soal selidik. Yang tolong sebarkan pun serupa je. Jangan jadikan "saya tolong kopi dan pasta je, bukan saya yang tulis cerita ni" alasan untuk cover kesalahan korang. Wahai netizen, keyboard warriors dan pengguna sosial media sekalian, belajarlah untuk jadi cerdik ye. Bukannya ikut flow semasa yang diorang claim benda tu mainstream.
That's all for now.
~Natural Cure~
November 16, 7.08 am
So, basically, hari ni pun kena kerja. Dan hari ni hari Ahad.
Sebab esok ada audit for ISO. So, hari ni kena siapkan SEMUA dokumen.
Sejak hari Isnin lepas, kami balik pukul 9 malam. Hari-hari, termasuk malam tadi.
Maybe kitorang 4 orang engineer boleh dapat anugerah pekerja paling cemerlang tahun ni.
Sepanjang 2 minggu ni, dah habis 2 batang pen. Pen yang ketiga pun tinggal suku je.
Sekejap lagi memang akan habis dakwatnya.
Macam biasalah, ada banyak borang yang kena edit dan bertukar sepanjang 2 minggu ni.
"Eh, ni borang Draft, bukan borang Revison!!"
"Mesin tu ada output, tapi apesal korang buat bypass?"
Waktu kerja-kerja yang bertimbun tu dah nak habis, mesti akan bertimbun semula macam gunung.
Kami sabar, kami sabar, kami sabar.
Setiap hari, saya pujuk diri saya. Bukan senang nak dapat kerja.
Ramai lagi fresh grad yang tanam anggur kat luar sana.
Actually, benda ni boleh je planning awal-awal.
Panggil SEMUA orang yang terlibat dan duduk dalam satu meja.
Dan meeting meja bulat ni mesti buat 7 MINGGU sebelum audit.
Time tu, explain kat semua orang, data apa kena isi kat borang mana.
'Finalise'kan borang-borang yang macam tak siap.
Jangan sampai sekeping borang tu kitorang kena isi sampai 3-4 kali.
Buat Gantt chart atau apa-apa jenis jadual. Lepas tu ikut jadual tu.
Seminggu sebelum audit tu mesti dah settle semua benda.
Audit dalaman pun satu. Tolong buat kerja awal-awal sikit.
Pagi Sabtu baru nak nampak muka, time tu la nak complain bagai.
Lepas tu senang-senang je mintak kitorang buat balik.
Dan esok kena masuk kerja lagi. Minggu ni takde istilah cuti.
Kerja ovetime lama mana pun tak boleh claim apa-apa.
Yet, we're trying to save a company.
Selamat hari bekerja kepada mereka yang bekerja hari ni.
~Natural Cure~
November 9, 2014, 5.25 am
Dah lebih kurang seminggu la jugak tak bukak lappy. Asal balik rumah je, terus syahid. Penat. Betul la kata orang, zaman belajar la masa paling best dalam hidup kita.
Jadi engineer ni is not really that bad. Cuma disebabkan audit for ISO tu yang buat kitorang letih. Tiap-tiap hari balik lambat sebab nak tulis dokumen yang penuh dengan parameter 'temperature' dengan 'flow rate' guna tangan dengan pen. Salah skit je, kitorang kena tulis balik. Terlebih 'decimal place' pun sama. Hari ni (Ahad) pun sepatutnya kerja. Tapi sebab hari-hari ambik 'overtime tak bergaji', orang atas bagi saya off la hari ni. Hoho. ISO ni penting untuk eksport produk kita ke luar negara. Kalau dah eksport ke sana, duit pun mengalir masuk dalam company macam air. Dan orang atasan pun salirkan duit tu terus ke poket kita. Eheh.
Kepada adik-adik junior atau sesiapa je yang tengah mencari kerja lepas graduate, saya ada beberapa nasihat kat sini.
- Jangan cari kerja guna Jobstreet. Trust me. You'll wait for months for nothing. Most of the requirements ada tulis macam ni: "Chinese candidates are more preferable due to the nature of the work" atau "fluent in Mandarin is an advantage". This is the reality in Malaysia.
- Kalau yang ambik Electrical dengan Mechanical Engineering, pergi je mana-mana kilang yang terdekat dengan rumah (atau rumah sewa) dan bawak resume dan gambar berukuran passport. Cakap kat pak guard yang korang nak mintak kerja kat sana. Lepas isi borang semua, terus pergi kilang lain. Dalam satu hari, pergi sepuluh kilang pun takpe. Ada kekosongan, insyaAllah diorang call.
- Pastikan resume korang cukup power. Tak guna first degree sekali pun kalau ruangan ko-kurikulum tu kosong. In the end, you're just a walking book yang tak reti buat kerja. Kepada yang aktif gila-gila berpersatuan dan gerak kerja time belajar dulu, tahniah. Tapi kalau pointer CGPA still rendah, beware. Maybe yang pointer tinggi dan rendah sama-sama dapat kerja, tapi gaji korang tetap lain. Obviously CGPA tinggi boleh demand tinggi.
- Know your level. Standard gaji engineer ni dalam RM2.5k. Tapi sebenarnya, (ini sekadar pandangan peribadi) gaji nak mohon kerja should not be more than RM2k. Sebab gaji supervisor baru masuk pun is just RM1.6k. Kalau diorang OT(overtime) pun boleh dapat RM1.8k. Unless you went through some training like SL1M or anything from government or other GLCs, tak payah demand gaji lebih-lebih or you won't be hired.
- Time interview, jangan menggigil. Jangan senyap sangat. Use English as much as possible. Impress them. Kalau yang dah pernah kerja lepas SPM, you have an advantage.
- Jangan mengharap sangat kita dapat kerja kat tempat kita buat internship. Ada pengalaman 3 bulan je tak melayakkan korang untuk isi position kat situ. Ramai lagi manusia yang memohon kat tempat tu, bukan korang je.
- Kalau tak silap la, internship ni sebenarnya boleh buat sejak First Year masuk universiti lagi. Tak payah tunggu sampai Third Year or Final Year. Even kalau korang buat internship every year pun takpe. At least, korang ada experience. Orang lain ada pengalaman 12 minggu, korang ada 4 tahun X 12 minggu = 48 minggu. Lagi 4 minggu dah ada setahun pengalaman kerja. Ok la, kan? Cuma kena sacrifice cuti sem korang la. Haha.
- Satu lagi, kalau dah kerja, tambah extra 2 jam waktu balik walaupun takde overtime. Katalah waktu balik korang 5 petang, kerja sampai 7 malam. Daripada ikut bersesak-sesak dalam traffic jam, pergi hon kereta depan kenapa slow gila, baik duduk kat tempat kerja dan siapkan kerja-kerja tertangguh. Atau pergi belajar pasal mesin. Atau buat apa-apa je termasuk la sapu sampah dalam office. Mungkin korang tak perasan, orang atasan sedang memerhatikan korang. It will give them a very very good impression. "Oh, budak baru ni sanggup kerja lebih masa. I should raise his/her salary." (Some sort of that). Remember, IMPRESS THEM.
The important thing is, jangan menunggu. Jadi proaktif. Jangan dah hujan baru nak patah balik ke rumah ambik payung. Jangan kecewa kalau permohonan pertama tu takde khabar langsung. Normal la macam tu. My current job is not really my dream job. Jangan takut pointer rendah (Tapi jangan la rendah sangat). Sebab at the end, bukannya apply balik pun semua yang kita dah belajar. And please remember that engineering ni sebenarnya about creativity, bukan main dengan nombor je. We need to predict or forecast the worst case scenario, and make immediate decision. Korang akan jumpa macam-macam benda pelik dan kelakar dalam industri. You have to be very fast in terms of making decision. Our decision will affect every single person in the whole company.
Trust me, I'm an engineer.
Until then, Assalamualaikum.
October 31 2014, 12. 11 am
Mungkin kalau di sebelah sana, Halloween merupakan satu perayaan besar yang disambut di serata benua. Sesetengah drama dan rancangan televisyen diorang pun ada episod khas sempena Halloween (selalunya episod yang ke-13 dalam musim tu). Sebuah sambutan yang saya kira takde kena mengena pun dengan agama. Ada ke agama yang menggalakkan penganutnya jadi hantu? (Kalau betul la diorang ni beragama).
Because I believe that most of them atheists. Yet, they're celebrating Christmas annually.
Rasa-rasanya, kita kat Malaysia ni pun serupa je. Islam tu datang time 1 hingga 29 atau 30 Ramadan, 1 Syawal dan 10 Zulhijjah. Rancangan tv bulan puasa tu bukan main sopannya. Time raya, macam-macam jenis filem keluar. Tiap-tiap minggu ponteng solat Jumaat, tapi terawih tak pernah miss. Hakikatnya, kita keliru dengan siapa diri kita.
Actually, tarikh 31 Oktober ni agak bermakna la dalam keluarga kami.
Kalau di sana sambut Halloween, kami di sini juga ada sambutan yang tersendiri.
Cuma tak sambut Halloween la. No trick or treat, jack-o-lantern , wizard hat, mummies, and all sort of that.
Happy birthday, mama.
May Allah bless.
October 30, 2014, 8.04 am
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfection.
It's like living in a dream.
Because next week IS the week.
And everything will change forever.
The way I see people.
And the way they see me.
Indeed, time changes everyone.
Thank you Allah for everything.
Thank you mama and all of my siblings.
So, my next goal is to sit for the exam.
Listening. Speaking. Reading. Writing.
And I don't know that gonna happened.
May Allah bless.
October 18, 2014, 7.47 pm
Bila tengok jadual konvo untuk FKE kat UTM, saya senyum lebar je.
Kesian adik-adik junior ni. Eheh.
Saya pernah ikut senior 'berkonvo' untuk FKE sejak saya Tahun Tiga lagi.
Masa 2011, diorang konvo Sabtu petang.
Tahun 2012, diorang konvo Sabtu petang jugak.
Time saya, 2013, kami konvo Ahad petang. Bertukar hari je.
Dan adik-adik saya ni, 2014, kena konvo Ahad pagi. Hoho.
Tarikh pendaftaran - 6.45 am - 7.15 am.
Lepas 7.15 pagi, kaunter pendaftaran ditutup.
Memang kelam kabut la pagi tu.
Pesanan kepada adik-adik junior:
Aimi, Suhaila dan adik-adik yang lain,
1. Masa konvo, bawak bekal banyak-banyak dan sumbat dalam poket. Serius lapar, lagi-lagi waktu pagi sampai menjengah ke tengah hari.
2. Tak payah datang raptai pun takpe. Just simply follow the flow. Memang mengarutlah kalau kata raptai tu DIWAJIBKAN hadir.
3. Dan tolong jangan buat apa-apa tarian kat atas pentas tu ye. Ni majlis konvo, bukan nightclub. Kita ni graduan, dah akilbaligh dan dah matang.
4. Lepas ambik ijazah, jalan perlahan-lahan sebelum tutrun tangga sebab ada photographer nak ambik gambar korang untuk buat kenangan.
5. Jangan lupa senyum dan ucap terima kasih atau menjunjung kasih kat orang yang bagi ijazah tu.
6. Kalau bawak DSLR dalam dewan, pandai-pandai sorokkan dalam jubah. Boleh je ambik gambar sebenarnya. Cuma jangan obvious sangatlah. Jangan sibuk sangat berselfie ye.
7. Bayaran untuk konvo, time saya cuma RM200. Hadir majlis atau tak, sewa jubah atau tak, bayar tetap bayar. UTM kan suka sedut duit student dia. Dah jadi graduan pun dia nak sedut lagi duit kita.
8.Anatar ucapan oleh Naib Canselor nanti ialah "tolong bayar hutang PTPTN anda" dan "Graduan UTM hendaklah membantu pihak universiti dengan memberi sumbangan kepada pihak universiti dalam endowment/tabung/dana untuk biasiswa bla bla bla selepas mendapat pekerjaan nanti.". Lepas ayat ni, konfem satu dewan ketawa.
Tu je kot.
Kepada adik-adik junior tercinta,
selamat bergraduasi 'kakak' korang ni ucapkan.
By the way, thanks Aimi sebab sanggup beratur dan ambikkan jubah saya tahun lepas.
~Natural Cure~
October 13, 2014, 3.32 pm
"Masa muda ialah sesuatu yang dicemburui oleh mereka yang tidak memilikinya."
You won't be promised that you will land your first job from the first interview.
2 vacancies and 2 000 applicants.
You can get your first rent house that's quite near to your workplace, but it's not cheap..
Or you won't get a good housemate.
You can get your new sophisticated smartphone.
And simply forgetting that you still need to pay for education loan.
You can marry anyone that you love.
But that doesn't mean that he or she will be your spouse forever.
You will have your children.
But it's not necessary means that their life will be secured.
September 23 2014, 2.57 am
and only if
our path crossed again someday,
my answer will always be the same.
and only if.
September 29 2014, 1.56 am
September 27 2014, 10.37 pm
I'm 23.
11 months ago, I received a certificate, which written as "the degree of Bachelor Of Engineering (Electrical) ".
4 months before that, I returned home after packing my things, cleaning up my room in Kolej Tuanku Canselor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I returned the key to the office and bid farewell to my friends.
4 years before, it was my first time in Johor. Which is the day that I registered as the first year student. We look around the UTM and the faculty. And I cried after waving goodbyes to my family.
2 months before that, I left Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah. My family and I went to Penang. It was my second time actually. The first time was when I was still a baby. Ican't remember anything. It was a trip from my father's company. By the way, I still have exam on that day. An exam to enter Universiti Sains Malaysia, but I forgot its name. We're the first batch to sit for the paper. Around 12 pm or so, my family and I left KMK. And I never return there until now. In fact, I never return to Kedah for years.
11 months before that, I enter KMK. It's officially my first journey to leave home to study. I heard that my ex-classmates enter UiTM in Shah Alam, which is just a few minutes from our previous secondary school. Some of them will go to Malacca for Asasi, Penang for Diploma, private college, Form 6 in ACS Klang etc. I was the farthest. Just a few kilometers from Malaysia-Thailand borders. Of course, I cried when abah and mama left. I have nobody there. Nobody.
A month before, I'm in dilemma. Either KMK for Physical Science or UIAM with Asasi in Science. I called my uncle, because he's so wise. He asked me, what is my ambition. To be honest, I feel lost. I don't know where to go. I got lots of opportunities and one of the brightest student in my school, yet I have no idea what I wanna be in the future. So, he suggested that I should choose KMK. Well, UIAM is not that bad, and it's in Gombak. I can return home every week if I want to. But it's Science. And I think I like Engineering more than Science. Because my Physics, Chemistry, Math and Add Math are my strongest asset.. Besides, numbers and calculations are my passions. I always believe that I will have more opprtunities in engineering career. And one more thing: my father was a technician, my aunt is also an officer for the techinicians, and my uncle himself is an engineer. So, basically, engineering is in my blood. But that doesn't mean I hate Science. So, I chose KMK.
A month before that, I received my SPM result with flying colours. Everyone says "Congratulations!". I met my teachers. I met my friends. My friends and I went to Mid Valley and we watched a movie and did lots of things together.
4 months before that, it was my last of SPM exams. I think it's Biology Paper 3. And we have our own 'merdeka' time. No more books to study, and we gathered in front of the school for the very last time. Well, it's not really the last day that we gathered as classmates, because we need to return our SPBT text books weeks after that. I retuned home by taking a bus. i arrived home, and watch the tv with my siblings. I love the Spring Waltz in TV2 (a Korean drama. One of the four seasoned theme love drama like Autumn in My Heart, Winter Sonata and Summer Scent). I think it was the first day that Aeon Bukit Tinggi open for public, but I can't remember the exact date. My family aand I went shopping. Oh, no more school after this. And I'm gonna miss the moment. My secondary school was SMK Telok Gadong, Klang, Selangor.
5 years before, I came to my primary school for the last time, as it was our final day of school. I realised that most student have took their UPSR results a day before. I didn't know that it came out yesterday. So I just walked in a corridor and saw some students standing besides a board and reading something. I also take at the papers, and my goodness! I was one of the seven students who scored 5As. I called my mum, and she was shocked, and congratulates me. And I received RM100 from the school as a concolation prize. The teacher said, "Kecil-kecil cili padi, dipersilakan adik (put my real name here)". Then I go to the stage to take the money. I was 120 cm and 20 kg. Quite small for 12 years old student. One of the smallest student in the school. Some students called me with 'Pendek', 'Ketot' and something like that. (This is one of the reason why I have a low self esteem attitude until now. It comes from my physical appearence, which develops as trauma. I scared to lots of things.) And I bid farewell to my friends, of course.
6 years before that, I t was my first day of school. Indeed, I'm a small person. I have some problems with my eye, which forces me to wear spectacles when I was in Standard 2. Because I can't see anything on the blackboard, I'm easily got frustrated and I don't want to copy anything whatever the teacher writes. I think there's a lot of discussions between the teachers, they decided to change my place to the front. I got a new group, and try to blend in with them. And thanks to teachers involved, and those who diagnosed me with eye-sighted problem, I became who I am today. I'm totally grateful. My primary school was Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Udang, Klang, Selangor.
There's time when we greet our new friends.
We said 'You're always be my best friend forever,
There'll be some punch and slap altogether,
And we'll always forgives each other.
And there's also time when we have to say our final goodbyes.
We promised that we'll always keep in touch in the future
And said 'You're the brother or sister that I will always remember'
And we'll never heard anything from them anymore.
People come. And people go.
We've been through this for ages.
But, that's life. We'll be forgotten anyway.
Having thousands of friends is the same as no friend at all.
We might greet them today.
Wish their birthday every year.
Hoping that they'll like our statuses, retweet or anything.
Share convocation pictures together.
Congratulates them for their marriage.
They'll meet new friends.
We'll meet new friends.
And life goes on.
And silent for years.
We'll be forgotten.
It's so sad to look at them.
We're still friends, but we're not friendly.
We never greet. We never say "Hi!" anymore.
And we hardly knew them.
I guess, this is one of the main reason why I deactivated my social network account.
It's not that I want to forget them.
I'm just taking a step forward much earlier
and realizes that life must go on.
~Natural Cure~
September 16 2014, 1.35 pm
After spending 473 hours and 43 minutes (that is, almost 20 days consecutively) in Pokemon HeartGold, this is what I got.
You can get this type of Trainer Card if you fulfill these conditions:
1. Enter the Hall of Fame
2. Complete National Pokedex
3. Win 100 victories in a row at the Battle Tower
4. Open the Friendship Room at the Pokeathlon Dome
5 Get your first crown on one of your Pokemon.
Firstly, I suggest you get these Pokemon first, because they are extremely strong Pokemon in Johto.
Try to get them first before you train the others.
1. Tyranitar - Rock, Dark
2. Typhlosion - Fire
3. Feraligatr - Water
4. Espeon - Psychic
5. Porygon2 - Normal
6. Ampharos - Electric
7. Scizor - Bug, Steel
8. Heracross - Bug, Fighting
9. Ursaring - Normal
10. Houndoom - Dark, Fire
11. Donphan - Ground
12. Slowking - Water, Psychic
13. Octillery - Water
14. Granbull - Normal
15. Piloswine - Ice, Ground
16. Sunflora - Grass
17. Sudowoodo - Rock
A. Enter the Hall of Fame
To enter the Hall of Fame, you need to beat the Elite Four and also the Champion in the Pokemon League. Just remember that you can't heal your Pokemon once you enter the door. Make sure that you buy lots of Full Restore (for HP) and plant Leppa Berries (for PP) earlier.
My party:
1. Jynx Lv 61 - Blizzard, Avalanche, Confusion, Powder Snow
2. Hitmonlee Lv 60 -Close Combat, Mega Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Blae Kick
3. Haunter Lv 61 - Shadow Pulse, Dark Pulse, Nightare, Mean Look
4. Tyranitar Lv 61 - Eartquake, Stone Edge, Crunch, Dark Pulse
5. Heracross Lv 60 - Close Combat, Megahorn, Take Down, Brick Break
6. Pidgeot Lv 39 - Fly, Wing Attack, Gust, Twister
Will - Use Tyranitar or Houndoom
Koga- Use Typhlosion, Espeon, Houndoom, or Slowking
Bruno - Use Espeon, Slowking, Feraligatr. Sunflora, Piloswine, Heracross, Donphan, Scizor
Karen - Use Heracross, Espeon, Slowking, Tyranitar, Ampharos, Piloswine, Sudowoodo
Lance - Use Tyranitar or Sudowoodo
So, I think the best Johto team for Pokemon League consists of Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Espeon, Feraligatr and Heracross. But you can always try your own combination.
In the end, you will enter the Hall of Fame.
B. Complete National Pokedex
This is, in my opinion, the hardest thing to do in the whole game. The last Pokemon that I need to complete the Pokedex is Lucario. I caught Rilou Lv 45 from the Safari Zone, and increase its happiness (Haircut in Goldenrod City, meet Daisy everyday around 3 pm to 4 pm in Viridian, give status boosted item, make it holding the Soothe Bell and always bring it to my party of six.)
This is the list of 493 Pokemon.
1. Bulbasaur - One of the three starters that Prof.Oak will give you after beating Red.
2. Ivysaur - Bulbasaur Lv 16
3. Venusaur - Ivysaur Lv 32
4. Charmander - One of the three starters that Prof.Oak will give you after beating Red.
5. Charmeleon - Charmander Lv 16
6. Charizard - Charmeleon Lv 36
7. Squirtle - One of the three starters that Prof.Oak will give you after beating Red.
8. Wartortle - Squirtle Lv 16
9. Blastoise - Wartortle Lv 36
10. Caterpie - Route 30
11. Metapod - Caterpie Level 7
12. Butterfree - Metapod Level 10
13. Weedle - Bug Catching Contest, after obtaining National Pokedex, Tuesday.
14. Kakuna - Weedle Level 7
15. Beedrill - Kakuna Level 10
16. Pidgey - Route 29
17. Pidgeotto - Pidegy Level 18
18. Pidgeot - Pidgeotto Lv 36
19. Rattata - Route 29
20. Raticate - Rattata Lv 20
21. Spearow - Route 33
22 Fearow - Spearow Lv 20
23 Ekans - Goldenrod Game Corner prize (700 coins)
24. Arbok - Ekans Lv 22
25. Pikachu - Viridian Forest
26 Raichu - Pikachu, Thunderstone
27 Sandshrew - Union Cave
28 Sandslash - Sandshrew Level 22
29 Nidoran (Female) - Route 35
30 Nidorina - Nidoran (Female) Level 16
31 Nidoqueen - Nidorina, Moon Stone
32 Nidoran (Male) - Route 35
33 Nidorino Nidoran (Male) Level 16
34 Nidoking - Nidorino, Moon Stone
35 Clefairy - Mt. Moon
36 Clefable - Clefairy, Moon Stone
37 Vulpix - Trade from SoulSilver/Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
38 Ninetales - Vulpix, Fire Stone
39 Jigglypuff - Route 3
40 Wigglytuff- Jigglypuff, Moon Stone
41 Zubat - Route 32
42 Golbat - Zubat, Level 22
43 Oddish - Ilex Forest, Night
44 Gloom - Oddish, Level 21
45 Vileplume - Gloom, Leaf Stone
46 Paras - Ilex Forest
47 Parasect - Paras, Level 24
48 Venonat - Route 43
49 Venomoth - Venonat, Level 31
50 Diglett - Route 48
51 Dugtrio - Diglett, Level 26
52 Meowth - Trade from SoulSilver/Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
53 Persian - Meowth Level 28
54 Psyduck - Ilex Forest
55 Golduck - Psyduck, Level 33
56 Mankey - Route 42
57 Primeape - Mankey, Level 28
58 Growlithe - Route 36
59 Arcanine - Growlithe, Fire Stone
60 Poliwag - Route 30
61 Poliwhirl- Poliwag Level 25
62 Poliwrath - Poliwhirl, Water Stone
63 Abra - Route 34
64 Kadabra - Abra, Level 16
65 Alakazam - Trade Kadabra
66 Machop - Mt. Mortar
67 Machoke - Machop Level 28
68 Machamp - Trade Machoke
69 Bellsprout - Route 31
70 Weepinbell - Bellsprout Level 21
71 Victreebel - Weepibell, Leaf Stone
72 Tentacool - Route 32
73 Tentacruel - Tentacool Level 30
74 Geodude - Dark cave
75 Graveler - Geodude Level 25
76 Golem - Trade Graveler
77 Ponyta - Route 27
78 Rapidash - Ponyta Level 40
79 Slowpoke - Slowpoke Well
80 Slowbro - Slowpoke Level 37
81 Magnemite - Route 38
82 Magneton - Magnemite Level 30
83 Farfetch'd - Route 38
84 Doduo - Route 27
85 Dodrio - Doduo Level 21
86 Seel - Whirl Islands
87 Dewgong - Seel Level 34
88 Grimer - Route 16
89 Muk - Grimer Level 38
90 Shellder - Route 41
91 Cloyster - Shellder, Water Stone
92 Gastly - Sprout Tower, Night
93 Haunter - Gastly, Level 25
94 Gengar - Trade Haunter
95 Onix - Union Cave
96 Drowzee - Route 34
97 Hypno - Drowzee, Level 26
98 Krabby - Route 34
99 Kingler - Krabby Level 28
100 Voltorb - Route 10
101 Electrode - Voltorb Level 30
102 Exeggcute - Use Headbutt in New Bark Town/Route 29
103 Exeggutor Exeggcute, Leaf Stone
104 Cubone - Rock Tunnel
105 Marowak - Cubone. Level 28
106 Hitmonlee - Tyrogue, Attack higher than Defense, Level 20
107 Hitmonchan - Tyrogue, Defense higher than Attack, Level 20
108 Lickitung - Route 44
109 Koffing - Burned Tower
110 Weezing - Koffing Level 36
111 Rhyhorn - Victory Road
112 Rhydon - Rhyhorn Level 42
113 Chansey - Route 13
114 Tangela - Route 44
115 Kangaskhan - Rock Tunnel
116 Horsea - Whirl Islands
117 Seadra - Horsea Level 32
118 Goldeen - Union Cave
119 Seaking - Goldeen Level 33
120 Staryu - Route 34, Night
121 Starmie - Staryu, Water Stone
122 Mr. Mime - Route 21, Night
123 Scyther - Bug Catching Contest
124 Jynx - Ice Path
125 Electabuzz - Route 10
126 Magmar - Birned Tower
127 Pinsir - Bug Catching Contest
128 Tauros - Route 38
129 Magikarp - Route 30
130 Gyarados - Magikarp Level 20
131 Lapras - Safari Zone, Rocky Beach area, water surface
132 Ditto - Route 34
133 Eevee - Receive from Bill in Goldenrod City
134 Vaporeon - Eevee, Water Stone
135 Jolteon - Eevee, Thunderstone
136 Flareon - Eevee, Fire Stone
137 Porygon - Celadon Game Corner Prize (9999 coins)
138 Omanyte - restore Helix Fossil at Pewter Museum of Science
139 Omastar - Omanyte Level 40
140 Kabuto - trade from SoulSilver
141 Kabutops - Kabuto Level 40
142 Aerodactyl - restore Old Amber at Pewter Museum of Science
143 Snorlax - Wake up Snorlax at Route 11 using radio (Poke Flute)
144 Articuno - Seafoam Islands
145 Zapdos - Route 10. After collecting 8 Kato Gym Badges.
146 Moltres - Mt. Silver.
147 Dratini - Dragon's Den
148 Dragonair - Dratini Level 30
149 Dragonite - Dragonair Level 55
150 Mewtwo - Cerulean Cave
151 Mew - *Event Exclusive* trade from Diamond/Pearl
152 Chikorita - one of three starters from Prof. Elm
153 Bayleef - Chikorita Level 16
154 Meganium - Bayleef Level 32
155 Cyndaquil - one of three starters from Prof. Elm
156 Quilava - Cyndaquil Level 14
157 Typhlosion - Quilava Level 36
158 Totodile - one of three starters from Prof. Elm
159 Croconaw - Totodile Level 18
160 Feraligatr - Croconaw Level 30
161 Sentret - Route 29
162 Furret - Level 15
163 Hotthoot - Route 29
164 Noctowl - Level 20
165 Ledyba - trade from SoulSilver
166 Ledian - Ledyba Level 18
167 Spinarak - Route 29
168 Ariados - Spinarak Level 22
169 Crobat - Golbat, Max Happiness
170 Chinchou - Route 41
After you caught all of these Pokemon, you will get a star on your Trainer Card.
Meet Professor Oak in Pallet Town and let him evaluate your National Pokedex.
You need some strategies to conquer the tower. Train some Pokemon for BP (Battle Points) and let the move tutors in Battle Frontier teach strong moves to your Pokemon. Or you can exchange the BP for TM (Technical Machine).
Personally, I love to battle in Battle Hall, because it is easier to get BP there (during the 50th battle, where we need to fight the Hall Matron and get 20 BP later on.). Then, you can switch to other species and survive until the 50th battle again. Repeat these for a few times.
And I think Battle Factory is the easiest to get high amount of BP. But you need to have high knowledge of Pokemon species, type, abilities and their moves. This is because you cannot use your own Pokemon, but you will rent Pokemon from the Pokemon Factory.
Okay. Let's start with the Battle Tower. The rule is you need to survive through seven trainers (your Pokemon will be healed every end of the battle). You can bring your favourite three Pokemon. Once you lost, the counter will reset and you need to repeat it again until 100th row.
1. Use Pokemon with high speed. You also can use Quick Claw if you want.
2. Use many type of moves.
3 Try to minimise your weaknesses. For Electric Pokemon, you can use Magnet Rise.
4. Attack with special conditions - Sleep, Burned, Frozen, Paralyzed, Poisoned
Start your first 7 battles. And continue again for another 7 battles.
During your 21st battle, you will face the Tower Tycoon Palmer.
He will use Milotic, Rhyperior and Dragonite.
You can bring these Pokemon if you like:
Ludicolo/ Abomasnow/ Breloom/ Torterra/ Dewgong/ Cloyster/ Lapras/ Walrein/ Poliwrath/ Quagsire/ Swampert/ Whiscash/ Gastrodon/ Empoleon/ Mamoswine/ Lucario/ Steelix
For your 49th match, Palmer will use Heatran, Regigigas and ?????
You can use these Pokemon:
Quagsire/ Swampert/ Whiscash/ Gastrodon/Poliwrath
I always use my Venusaur, Typhlosion and Swampert for any Battle Frontier facilities.
Beat the the Battle Tower until the 100th times in a row, and you will upgraed your Trainer Card later on.
D. Open the Friendship Room at the Pokeathlon Dome
Basicallly, you need to win in most of the Pokeathlon events.
There are 4 rooms in the Pokeathlon Dome:
1. Solidarity Room
2. Trust Room
3. Potential Room
4. Friendship Room.
You need to unlock these rooms in sequence.
Solidarity Room
- Available from the start
Trust Room
- Medal in all courses (Get number one in every courses)
My records:
1.Speed Medal - 444 points - Rapidash, Furret, Voltorb
2. Power Medal - 462 points - Growlithe, Pineco, Stantler
3. Skill Medal - 411 points - Persian, Sandslash, Meganium
4. Stamina Medal - 413 points - Typhlosion, Miltank, Shuckle
5. Speed Medal - 407 points - Butterfree, Fearow, Gligar
Potential Room
- Medal in all courses with one Pokemon (A medalist Pokemon,)
My first medalist Pokemon is my Typhlosion.
Friendship Room
Set a new record in every event
Hurdle Dash - 84.7 second, 135 Total - Rapidash, Furret, Voltorb
Pennant Capture - 36 Flags, 108 Total - Voltorb, Raticate, Furret
Circle Push - 58 Points, 174 Total - Growlithe, Pineco, Stantler
Block Smash - 100 pieces, 100 total - Tyranitar, Aggron, Cranidos
Disc Catch - 79 points, 133 total - Butterfree, Fearow, Gligar
Lamp Jump - 451 points, 128 Total - Butterfree, Fearow, Gligar
Relay Run - 15.7 seconds, 157 Total - Rapidash Voltorb, Furret
Ring Drop - 100 points, 150 Total - Typhlosion, Miltank, Shuckle
Snow Throw - 41 Hits, 123 Total - Persian, Sandslash, Meganium
Goal Roll - 10 points, 150 Total - Persian, Sandslash, Meganium
In my friendship, I have the statues of Ethan, Wobbuffet, Snorlax and Chimchar.
I use them for Power Course recently.
E Get your first crown on one of your Pokemon.
To get a crown, you need 5 Shiny Leaves. You can get one when you walk on tall grass and talk to your Pokemon. Please remember that you need high friendship with your Pokemon to get it. Once you collect all five, talk to Lyra/Ethan in New Bark Town. She/He will give you the crown.
For Adamant, Hardy, Bold and Brave Nature
Route 42
Route 37
Route 22 or Route 46
Route 15
Route 9 or Route 24
For Rash, Mild, Quirky, and Hasty Nature
Route 44
Route 39
Route 26
Route 18
Route 11
For Timid, Lonely and Bashful Nature
Route 38
Route 27
Route 16
Route 10 and Route 25
For Calm, Gentle, Lax and Relaxed
Route 32
Route 35 or Route 48
Route 2 or Route 28
Route 4
Route 6
For Careful, Docile, Modest, Serious and Quiet
Route 33
Route 36
Route 45
Route 7
Route 8, Route 13, and Route 14
For Sassy, Naive, Naughty, Jolly, and Impish
Route 31
Route 34 or Route 47
Route 1
Route 3
Route 5
And you will get a Black Card after all of these. That's all.
So, I'm officially stop playing Pokemon HeartGold for now.
(I might playing it again someday)
This is actually one of my to-do list or wishlist or resolution for the year 2014.
That's why I put lots of effort playing this game and spending lots of time on these.
I played Pokemon Gold when I was 12 years old or so.
That was in 2002.
Pokemon is like a memory of my childhood, and Im still playing Pokemon games until now.
And I'm sure there are lots of other 'inner Pokemon Trainers' out there which is about the same age with me.
My name, Nat Cure, is derived from the abilities of Celebi, (Natural Cure).
Celebi is always my favourite Pokemon.
Pokemon Platinum
(I've played it before, but I want to replay it from beginning to upgrade my Trainer Card.)
Until then, see ya.
~Natural Cure~
September 17 2014, 1.01 am
Entri yang lepas, saya ada tulis tentang Germany atau negara Jerman.
And they're so proud with their German (bahasa Jerman).
Tiba-tiba saya terfikir tentang satu soalan.
"What is that first German word that you can remember, which you can relate to yourself?"
Saya bantai gelak sorang-sorang.
Jawapan saya:
"German measles"
Okay la tu. Ada la bunyi German-ish kat situ. Hahaha.
German measles ni lebih popular dengan nama rubella.
(Sebutan measles ni macam bunyi Mizz-Ell)
Macam demam campak, tapi tahap bahaya dia tak seteruk demam campak.
Ada bintik-bintik merah kat muka, dan perlahan-lahan turun ke kaki.
Lepas dua minggu, dia hilang sendiri.
Saya pun tak tahu mana datangnya penyakit ni, tiba-tiba dah berjangkit.
Waktu tu, masuk study week semester keenam.
Saya ada presentation untuk subjek Picom (Principle of Communication)
Habis satu badan kena sarung macam nangka.
Tangan pun pakai glove/mitten masa main ice skating kat Sunway Pyramid dulu.
Mulut pun kena cover dengan penutup.
Saya malas nak ambik MC, tu yang gagahkan jugak buat presentation.
Alhamdulillah, setakat yang saya tahu, takde siapa terjangkit sebab saya.
Memang tak seronok la kalau dah dapat penyakit ni.
Terpaksa mengasingkan diri dari orang lain.
Doktor ada bagi losyen calamine. Dan ubat-ubat lain.
But, look at the bright side, I learned a new German word. Heh.
~Natural Cure~
September 16 2014, 12.55 am
Hari ni saya nak berkongsi beberapa perkara penting tentang duit.
Lepas beberapa peristiwa yang berlaku baru-baru ni, saya tergerak untuk berkongsi tentang isu ni.
Cuba tengok kad ATM kita yang dalam dompet tu.
Cari nombor telefon customer service atau khidmat pelanggan.
Salin nombor tu dan letak dalam handphone.
Kalau ada anak-anak atau suami atau isteri, mintak diorang simpankan sekali nombor tu.
Kalaulah satu masa nanti ada orang curi dompet kita, cepat-cepat call nombor tu.
Kemudian mintak diorang block kad ATM tu.
Sebabnya, takut pencuri tu sempat ambik duit kita dalam bank.
Saya percaya kes ni kerap berlaku.
Soal macam mana pencuri tu dapat nombor pin kad ATM tu, saya tak tahu.
Selain kes kecurian, kalau ada apa-apa masalah tentang duit dalam bank, call je customer service ni.
Biasanya diorang ni 24 jam.
Satu lagi kisah pelik yang berlaku kat seluruh Malaysia.
Kalau kat masjid atau surau, biasanya mesti ada tabung, kan?
Orang yang simpan hasil derma tu biasanya jumpa duit RM50 (atau lebih) yang bergulung dalam RM1.
Mungkin kita akan kata dia nak derma RM50, tapi tak nak orang tahu.
So, dia gulung RM50 dalam RM1.
Cerita lain yang saya dengar, ini sebenarnya salah satu kaedah nak 'sedut' duit masjid.
Diorang ni pakai benda halus la agaknya. Wallahualam.
Ada jugak kes guna mata je nak pukau orang.
Yang ni pun popular sebenarnya.
Bagi yang pernah kerja kat kaunter mungkin lebih berpengalaman la.
Daripada pandangan mata je, yang kena pukau terus tak ingat apa-apa.
Tahu-tahu je duit dah lesap.
Even Nabi Muammad s.a.w. pernah sebut tentang kewujudan sihir mata, atau 'Ain'.
Tujuan saya utarakan cerita ni, sebenarnya takde kaitan la dengan saya.
Setakat ni, saya tak pernah hilang kad ATM ataupun kena pukau.
Cuma ni jadi satu pesanan la untuk kita semua.
~Natural Cure~