17 March 2013, 11.31 pm
Once upon a time,
a little boy said,
"Tamau pergi asrama!"
"Isi je dulu borang tu. Tak nak pergi pun takpe"
"Isi je."
"T A K N A K!!"
Full stop.
And that's the end of the conversation.
The boy close the door (as if he's trying to smash it)
Awat budak tu tamau pergi asrama?
Sebab budak tu takut hantu.
Kakak-kakak sepupu dia suka cerita 'true UiTM ghost story' kat asrama.
That little boy baru je nak injak usia 13 tahun.
Dengan pemikiran yang tak berapa matang, cerita macam tu dah cukup untuk dia lemah semangat.
Borang permohonan MRSM tu macam angin lalu je.
Lagipun, result trial UPSR budak tu straight B je.
Ramai lagi yang skor gila-gila.
Ramai lagi yang pandai daripada dia.
Dan ada ramai jugak pelajar harapan.
"The asrama need more students like them.
Not a person like me" kata budak tu.
Sekolah menengah harian is still the boy's primary choice.
Believing that he's just an ordinary student.
ORDINARY yang biasa-biasa.
Few days before orientation before we enter secondary school,
before the UPSR result came out,
before the end of my primary school days....
Ketika pelajar rasa malu untuk masuk sekolah menengah tu,
ramai menangis-nangis buat rayuan,
"Cikgu, saya tak nak masuk sekolah tu!! Sekolah tu banyak budak jahat"
etc etc etc
That little boy tu tadah telinga dan 'keringkan hati'
dengan tenang dan bangga terima borang masuk sekolah menengah harian tu.
Ramai juga yang bertanya,
"Awat nye nak masuk sekolah tu? Sekolah tu kan sekolah samseng."
The little boy smiled.
"Sebab sekolah ni dekat dengan rumah aku"
Another reason he hid,
he wants to be close with his family.
The result came out.
"Oh my God!"
He got straight A's.
Pelajar harapan lain kecundang.
Menangis-nangis tak dapat masuk asrama.
Same situation occur during PMR.
Few years later,
the 'little boy' asked himself,
"Tak menyesal ke tak isi borang asrama?"
"Tak. Because I know this is the best choice He made for me"
He believes that asrama is not a promise that he'll achive success.
Semuanya bergantung kat diri sendiri.
Juga kepada Yang Memberi.
Same goes to matriculation, asasi, college or universities.
It's not where did you go.
It's about what you did.
Manisnya puasa
5 days ago
i'm waiting for ur comment on my novel .. =)
sabaq sat.. ai tengah bizi neh.. haha
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