Sleepy. (Yawn)
Ah.. my quiz.. I didn't do very well (or not answering at all? Haha).
So tired..
Last night, I'm attending Jamuan Raya for Kelab Remaja Ukhwah, held in Dewan Astana from 9 pm to 12 am.
(1 am, to be precise..)
And my class started at 8 am. Hum... Sleepy again..
I'm wondering.. After 80 days of lecture (since 12th July 2010),
how is my study?
Am i doing well?
Well, to be honest, I can't catch up many things in the lecture.
It passes through my ears, and vanished into the thin air.
Maybe I didn't do the revision (a lot). Yeah, the same reason - lack of time.
It's not I don't have 24 hours a day, it is just I didn't manage my time properly.
First thing first.
Study should be our main priority.
And, don't forget to "learn".
Study and learn is two different things.
After all, I'm not just a normal student.
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Zaman TT3 weeks ago
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Salam 1 Ramadhan4 years ago
sesekali menjenguk blog6 years ago
Dua hari sebelum menginjak 63 tahun8 years ago
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Update MASRECA 199 years ago
Bercuti ke Guilin, China (Silver Cave)9 years ago
Part 49 years ago
Pesanan Tuhan kepada pembawa fitnah9 years ago
Laa Tahzan :')9 years ago
Lelong Sampul Duit Raya JDT murah9 years ago
Mitsaqan Ghalizah9 years ago
Wordless Wednesday10 years ago
memandang ke langit yang luas11 years ago
:: it's our 7months ::11 years ago
Benarkah Ku Merinduimu?12 years ago
Jom Follow-Mollow??12 years ago
mandi12 years ago
I'm Backk....12 years ago
Insulation Resistance Test12 years ago
-Bila Nikmat Tidak Kita Syukuri-12 years ago
kembali13 years ago
Mula atau Duka~13 years ago
ok! harini aku sgt rajin..13 years ago
ALEESYIA13 years ago
Wow.. I haven't updated my blog for about a week (or more)..
Anyway, I wanna try with a different approach - using English!
Yeah, I know, English is not my tongue, but this may become my first step to improve it.
Well, nobody is perfect, right? Simply ignore the grammatical error, and I will try to improve it as the time passes by..
I try to search a few good books using PSZ (Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah) portal this morning. (Using the online book catalogue)
And I found the blog of PSZ. It's in English.
There's an entry there, regarding Top Ways To Improve Your English.
This is the link.
And the first step is Start Your Own English Language Blog..
I went to PSZ in the afternoon, to get some good reference books.
Then I walk explore every floor of the library.
This is something new. Why?
Because I didn't know PSZ has five floors.
Haha.. I 'm so lazy to go to the library..
After one year, I started to know more about PSZ..
Maybe I'll go there again next week or so..
It's a good place to study (and chatting + facebooking), you know..
Until then, see ya..
tanya saya.
kata sahabat Anis, setelah menceritakannya kepada mereka.
Annas bermain bola dengan anak sepupu kami di padang belakang rumah.
Teruskan membaca post akan datang..

Ashraf Bin Nazlan
Hampir habis packing.