November 11 2019. 12.17 am

I went to the MPH Bookstore yesterday, and stumbled on a book of Raspberry Pi. Then I realised that I haven't touch my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ for months. And I would like to buy that magazine, but I'm afraid that my budget for this month will become haywire again, so I put it back on the bookcase.

So I went home and search for Raspberry Pi magazines. Actually there are some official FREE books regarding the topics, and you can download them here.

I made some reading on The Offical Raspberry Pi Projects Official Book and read about the story of a young girl with the name of Amy Mather. She started programming since 12 (WOW!). She learned coding of Javascript from Codeacademy. And she becomes interested in programming and made a hardware based on Conway's Game of Life into LED matrix.

One of the application of the Game of Life is the idea of cellular automata. It can describes the state of a unit or agent based on the surrounding neighbours, which normal mathematical approach is quite hard to describe as the time progress.

I think I should turn on my Raspberry Pi again soon.


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