January 25 2015, 8.57 pm
You know that you're getting older
when you went to your cousin's wedding ceremony
eat kerepek pisang, kek buah, karipap, sate ayam and sate daging
have a long talk with your grandmother and other relatives
discussing about your career path and life
squeezing the kerepek pisang into your backpack
say farewell to your uncles and aunts
then you went home
and you forgot to meet the bride and bridegroom
plus, you have no idea how the spouse of your cousin looks like
and you forgot to eat nasi minyak
Dah jadi lumrah agaknya
Zaman belajar, we have plenty of time.
time to watch K-Drama, time to play videogames, time to study
but no money. Hujung sem wajib makan mi segera.
Zaman kerja, we have plenty of money,
we can buy car, house, PS4, Nintendo 3DS, novels, non-fictions
but we don't have time to drive to other places, no time to stay in your house, no time to play your videogames and no time to read your favourite book. In fact, no time for your own life.
Sorry Kakak Nurul.
Orang nak cepat balik hari tu sebab esoknya kena kerja.
Tu yang kalut semacam.
Jalan raya pun gelap sebab dah malam.
Ada lampu jalan pun macam mentol reban ayam je terangnya.
Siap berlubang-lubang lagi jalan tu macam padang golf.
Anyway, congratulations for your marriage.
May Allah bless.
(And thanks for the bunga telur and cotton candy/candy floss/fairy floss)
Manisnya puasa
5 days ago
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