November 23 2018, 9.54 pm
Happy birthday!
So let's recap back what happened to me when I was 27.
1. I can read German much much better than before. Currently in A2 level. (German has 6 levels - A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2. A1 for kindergarten and C2 for native).
2. I've managed to save up to five digit Ringgit Malaysia using my own salary. (Yeah!!!!). I've put them in my Tabung Haji account, and wait for the bonus and dividend years later. And my ASB account contains much much more than my TH account. According to my raw calculation, I MIGHT be able to pay ALL of my debt (PTPTN and my Myvi) in January 2020. (Free-debt before 30 years old. Heh.)
3. No birthday cake this year. (I'm not a kid anymore after all). But I received Cloud 9 Tiramisu from Kak Zu and I bought Wall's Mocha Mochi for my family, and we ate together. It's RM12.75.
4. I've learned a lot about myself this year. I mean, as an introvert. I love Susan Cain's "Quiet" and "Quiet Power". Introvert is actually 50% genetic and 50% environment. The reason why we're different than most people is due to the different "wiring" in our brain than most people and it affects how much chemical concentration in our brains, which results to our different way of thinking and actions. In a much simpler word, an introvert is a thinker.
5. I think I'm interested in aerodynamics subject. Normal force, axial force, lift force, drag force formula derivations. The way how a wing should be designed.
So, for 28, I want to learn more about aerospace, learn about German, save more money and start my investment in
Manisnya puasa
5 days ago
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