December 24 2014, 5.53 pm
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Manisnya puasa4 days ago
Zaman TT3 weeks ago
Dilan 19832 months ago
Salam 1 Ramadhan4 years ago
sesekali menjenguk blog6 years ago
Dua hari sebelum menginjak 63 tahun8 years ago
Berpindah8 years ago
Update MASRECA 199 years ago
Bercuti ke Guilin, China (Silver Cave)9 years ago
Part 49 years ago
Pesanan Tuhan kepada pembawa fitnah9 years ago
Laa Tahzan :')9 years ago
Lelong Sampul Duit Raya JDT murah9 years ago
Mitsaqan Ghalizah9 years ago
Wordless Wednesday10 years ago
memandang ke langit yang luas11 years ago
:: it's our 7months ::11 years ago
Benarkah Ku Merinduimu?12 years ago
Jom Follow-Mollow??12 years ago
mandi12 years ago
I'm Backk....12 years ago
Insulation Resistance Test12 years ago
-Bila Nikmat Tidak Kita Syukuri-12 years ago
kembali13 years ago
Mula atau Duka~13 years ago
ok! harini aku sgt rajin..13 years ago
ALEESYIA13 years ago
December 14 2014, 6.40 pm
I've finished Tomb Raider 2013 for PlayStation 3 today. It is a truly a great videogame. It tells the story of Lara Croft, the young archaeologist on her journey to become a survivor.
The story revolves around her decision to explore a certain part of of the Pacific ocean using a new route, which leads the whole exploration team to be stranded on an island. And her decision leads to the death of lots of people, and she feels so guilty to everyone. As she tried to protect and save all of the survivors, collecting relics and documents, using bow and shotgun, she becomes who she's meant to be - a tomb raider.
I spend the whole week to explore most part of the island. Looting from enemies, animals and plant to get experience and buy the skills .Getting salvages and upgrade the gears. I think the best part of the whole game is in the last stage of the game, where she tried to save Samantha.There's a lot of Solarii army and also the Stormguards that protects Queen Himiko. (And there's lots of bloody scene, which is why this game is not suitable for children)
There are three types of Survival Skills available -Survivor, Hunter and Brawler. Survivor helps Lara to survive and getting more experiences, tracking items on the map, getting more salvages, etc. Hunter is suitable for those who loves to make killer headshot and long range battle, while brawler is for short range attack.
The best weapon in the game is the final bow, which is the Competiton Bow. It can penetrate many solid surfaces, and suitable for one-arrow killer headshot. Plus, we can combine it with Napalm Arrows or Explosive Arrows.(Her signature weapon, the two pistols/handguns are only available at the end of the game, but we can't use them throughout the story mode after we finished the game.)
There'll be the sequel for this game next year, with title of 'Rise of the Tomb Raider'.
I'm thinking of three videogames I wanna play in the future - Arkham Origin, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and also Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark for PS3. And also Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire for Nintendo 3DS (but I don't have Nintendo 3DS. Huhu.)
That's all for now. Thank you for reading.
Oh, minggu depan cuti seminggu! Woohoo! Seminggu la bertapa depan tv tu nanti. Eheh.
~Natural Cure~
December 18 2014, 4.48 pm
I've started playing Tomb Raider 2013 for PS3 last week, but i haven't finish it yet. The latest gear that I got this morning is the grenade launcher. installed to the rifle. But my favorite weapon is the bow (because it is silent and can be charged before release the arrow), followed by the shotgun (I use it for short range attack, instead of the climb axe that Roth gave to Lara Croft). And yes, this is the main reason why I didn't blog last week. Eheh.
Anyway, hari ni Selangor cuti. Engineer muda sorang ni pun main Tomb Raider dari pagi. Tapi tengah hari kitorang satu family keluar tengok wayang. And we decided to watch Big Hero 6. Jujur saya cakap, saya memang tak tau cerita ni pasal apa. Beli tiket pun atas dasar nak cepat-cepat masuk pawagam dan keluar awal. So cerita tu je la yang ada before 1 pm. Best gila kot cerita ni!
Bagi saya, cerita ni sedikit sebanyak membuka minda penonton tentang kemajuan teknologi pada masa depan. Dan cerita ni jugak menekankan kepentingan kreativiti dan sumbangan idea-idea gila daripada inventor/engineer/scientist kepada dunia.
Baymax is quite cute. Hoho. Saya boleh ketawa sekuat-kuatnya kat pawagam masa Hiro dengan Baymax lari dari villain yang pakai kabuki mask tu. Waktu Hiro 'sumbat' Baymax kat dinding dalam warehouse tu. Tapi waktu Baymax dapat kostum kedua dia, he lokks so cool! Idea microbot yang boleh pecah dan bercantum balik tu ala-ala transformium dalam Transformers: Age of Extinction, Benda ni macam nanobot la jugak. Nama bandar cerita ni San Fransokyo, gabungan nama San Francisco dan Tokyo. Nama watak-wataknya pun ada mix American dengan Japanese. Maksudnya ada percampuran budaya la antara barat dengan timur. Tapi klimaks cerita ni memang sedih la jugak. Sebab Baymax terpaksa korbankan diri dia untuk selamatkan Hiro. Hiro pulak waktu tu dah mula sayangkan Baymax.
I suggest that semua engineer dan juga student untuk elektrik/elektronik/mekatronik/mekanikal tengok cerita ni. Banyak benda korang boleh belajar dari filem ni.
That's all for today. See you again, insyaAllah.
~Natural Cure~